TATA AIA CODE #4734503
It is important to ensure your loved one's financial security to meet uncertainties and make your family feel fully protected. One of the best ways to do this is through Term plans, the purest form of our insurance.

Sampoorna Raksha
A pure term insurance plan that provides financial protection to your family and offers you the flexibility to choose the plan that suits your need. You may opt to receive either a Lump Sum benefit on Death or Lump Sum benefit on Death and Monthly Income for next 10 years while also enjoying the flexibility to enhance your life cover.
Sampoorna Raksha plus
A plan that not only protects you from uncertainties of life but also gives you return of premiums paid on survival till maturity of the Policy. What's more...You may opt to receive either a Lump Sum benefit on Death or Lump Sum benefit on Death and Monthly Income for next 10 years.
Secure Savings Solutions (SSS)
Life Insurance is also an important saving instrument. Insurance saving plans can help you organize specific needs like saving for your child's education, marriage, settlement in life, purchase of a house, retirement and other financial goals.
Smart Income Plus (SIP)
A limited pay income plan that meets tomorrow's requirements along with protecting your loved ones and dreams as it ensures you of guaranteed returns* for the money invested. Investment in this plan helps you fulfill your medium to long term goals.
Guaranteed Monthly Income Plus (GMIP)
It provides ¬financial protection for your family and a monthly income that meets tomorrow's requirements, thus helping you plan ahead towards your future needs and protection for your loved ones.
Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)
Flexibility to plan your monthly income for 10/ 16/ 24 years. Receive monthly income ranging from 8.35% to 13.03% per annum of total premiums paid. Applicable Large Premium Boost to increase your monthly income. Choose Policy Term of 5/ 8/ 12 years and more.